Do you create or buy productions such as film, events, concerts or festivals? Do you know how much CO2 they emit?
With the Green Producers Tool you can measure emissions and start reducing them!
The Tool is for producers or purchasers of cultural productions and for suppliers in the culture sector's value chains. The tool has five different modules for measuring emissions as of today:
- Film & TV
- Festival - also relevant for concerts, venues, etc.
- Performing Arts
- Event - for all types of events, ranging from webinars to large conferences.
- Sports
The Tool is dynamic and in development. We are in constant dialogue with the members of the Green Producers Club and will update it according to user input, and technological and scientific development. We are also currently working to tailor a module of the Tool to museums and exhibition production.

Keep Track of Your Emissions
Green Producers Tool is available both on your laptop and as a web app on your phone. This means that you can easily register your activities and emissions on-the-go, on set or during production.
How do I use the Tool?
Green Producers Tool can be used for different purposes and in different phases of your production.
1. Plan and compare. Make a budget or use the tool to play around with different concepts - what food to eat, how and where to travel - and immediately see which is the most climate-friendly choice. Members also get production guides that help you and your crew make the most climate-friendly choices before, during and after production.

Meat or vegetarian? The choice is yours.
2. Collect and enter data. Gather data from your contracts and invoices, talking to your crew, partners and suppliers and maybe even your guests. Enter the information about what you ate, how far you travelled, what kind of equipment you used and for how many days, and see the total number of CO2 equivalents you emitted for each activity, category and for the production in total.

It's not always easy to figure out what drives emission, let the tool help you.
3. Download your report. Compare and copy. Check out the aggregated numbers as well as the details of your production. Copy the production inside the tool and use it as a template for next week's, next month's or next year's production. Send the reports to your customers, your board, and the funding scheme that supported your production, or add it to your yearly report. Start looking at how to cut emissions from your productions according to the 55% emission reduction that Norway has committed to. Tell a friend. Rinse and repeat.

An overview of total emissions at your fingertips.
What activities does the Tool measure?
As producers of film, theatre, festivals and events, we affect many of the same emission categories. We all need transport, equipment, and food. And we generate waste. Therefore, the stem of emission categories is the same for the different types of productions, as shown below. However, we have also adapted the tool to the different production types, with detailed factors that reflect the unique aspect of each industry. In total, the Tool counts 2000 different emission factors with more to come.

Select your category in the tool.