The price of a yearly licence is based on your company's turnover. All the prices are excluded MVA and the membership fee is paid anually.

When you purchase your licence for the Tool, membership in the Green Producers Club is included.

Our goal is that all parties in the cultural sector can access and use the Tool and we constantly work to ensure that our pricing levels reflect this.

* Are you a member of Virke – Produsentforeningen, Audiovisual Producers Finland (APFI), The Danish Producers' Association, The Swedish Film & TV Producers, Norsk Filmforbund, The Norwegian Film Commission, Norsk Teater- og Orkesterforening (NTO), Norske Konsertarrangører (NKA), Kreativt Forum, Dansk Live, Creo or Spekter?

If so, you get a 30% discount on your membership and licence.

Please see the prices marked Club Partner Price.

17 june 2024, GPC membership prices


Basic membership

This is the most commonly used licence, and it is for producers of cultural productions such as film & TV, events, festivals etc. You can invite your internal team as well as your external crew members and suppliers to register their emissions in your internal projects.

** Enterprise membership

An Enterprise membership is for buyers and/or producers of visual content and/or events that want the full insight into emissions from both external and internal projects. The licence allows you to hand over the project in full to one or more External Producers, so they can fill in all the data attached to their projects.

In addition to this we offer the following licences:

  • Freelancer
  • Broadcaster / TV Distributors / Channels
  • Multinational Companies
  • Sports
  • Technical / Other Suppliers
  • Film Institutes / Commissioner
  • Educational Institutions
  • Ideal Organisations
  • Club Partner

Want to know how this applies to your company? - Book a demo below!


Book a demo! (NO)

Want to learn more about the Green Producers Tool and how your productions can be measured?

Ege Bejer Heckmann CEO DK

Book a demo! (DK)

Have a chat with our team in Green Producers Club in Denmark about how the Green Producers Tool can be a tool for measuring.

Ronny Fritsche

Book a Demo! (SE)

Book a demo with our Swedish office to learn about Green Producers Tool.