Researchers from the acclaimed CICERO - Center for International Climate Research have calculated all the emission factors in the Green Producers Tool.
The tool calculates both direct emissions as well as the life cycle analysis of each product and activity (LCA).
LCA is a methodology for analysing environmental impacts associated with all the stages of the life cycle of a commercial product, e.g a camera, a car or a light rig.
First, the researchers at CICERO map what kind of materials each product consists of, then they calculate emissions all the way from where and how the materials and minerals are dug out of the soil, estimate the manufacturing emissions, the emissions from transport to your region, and finally, they calculate the expected lifetime of the specific product.
CICERO has done this with 900 emission factors currently available in the Tool, with more to come. The emission factors have been selected in close cooperation with our development partners within TV&Film, event and festival production, which ensures that they are relevant for producers in all categories.
The emission categories also take the local specificities of the Nordic countries into account. An example of this is that they are based on the different Nordic energy mixes.
Membership in the Green Producers Club provides further insight into this research. As a member, you get access to our Club Portal, where we publish all the principles underlying CICERO's calculations. This means that you get access to a database of cutting-edge and updated climate research specific to the cultural sector. And you can read up on each emission factor as you please to better understand how you can reduce emissions from your activities.